薛永黍 游美同学录

    韩安 字竹平。年三十五岁。生于安徽巢县。已婚。女一。永久通信处。南京金陵大学转交。初毕业于南京汇文书院。得学士学位。任该校教员。光緖三十三年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习普通文科。宣统元年。得学士学位。入米西根大学。习林科。宣统三年。得硕士学位。入威斯康心大学。习农业。民国元年。回国。任农林部佥事。民国三年。改农商部佥事。历兼农林编译处主任。农林公报总编辑。吉林林务局主任。农商部林务处会办。现时住址。北京西城临淸宫十四号。

    Han, Ngan.-Born in Chao-Hsien, 1882. Married, 1914. Studied at the University of Nanking, 1896-1905. B.A., 1905. Teacher, University of Nanking, 1905-7. Arrived in America, August, 1907. Government sup-port. Studied Liberal Arts at Cornell University, 1907-9; Forestry at the University of Michigan, 1909-11; Agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, 1911-12. A.B., 1909; M.Sc.F., 1911. Returned to China, August, 1912. Senior Clerk, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1912-14. Director, Bureau of Forestry, Kirin, 1912. Assistant Director, Bureau of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 1915 to date. Editor-in-Chief, Agriculture and Forestry Review.